BCMG explores the interconnections between nature and humankind in an enchanting musical programme that includes the world premiere of Christian Mason’s new Sound Investment commission The Singing Tree, with text by Paul Griffiths, and the extraordinary Concertini for ensemble by Helmut Lachenmann. As well as exciting new learning resources for children to explore nature and sounds.
Christian Mason says: “Setting a specially written many-layered text by Paul Griffiths, this new piece for BCMG will explore musical metaphors for arborescence, organic growth, transformation, reaching for light… as a way of contemplating both the relation between humans and nature, and nature (including humans) and the divine.”
The T R E E project is proudly in collaboration with Birmingham Trees For Life.
On a lovely sunny Friday, a couple of BCMG staff were lucky enough to escape the office and get their hands dirty at the absolutely enchanting Moor Pool Eco Centre in Harborne as part of BCMG in Bloom! Read more
Hear pieces by Helmut Lachenmann, and Christian Mason performed by our BCMG NEXT early-career musician as a starter to our T R E E Concert. Featuring an exclusive composer chat with Christian Mason. Unfortunately, due to ill health, Helmut Lachenmann will not be joining us. Read more
Join us in exploring the connections between nature and humankind in the enchanting TREE Concert. Expect eco-friendly treats, insights from composers, and a dramatic performance from our amazing ensemble. Featuring the world premiere of Christian Mason’s new Sound Investment commission and the textural Concertini by Helmut Lachenmann. Read more
As part of BCMG's T R E E Project, we have teamed up with Birmingham Trees for Life to create activities for young people and resources on exploring our beautiful Urban Forests. Read more
Paul Griffiths tells us of the journey, inspiration, and growth that led to creating his text piece for Birmingham Contemporary Music Group's upcoming T R E E Project with Christian Mason. Read more
Justine Marklew from Birmingham Trees for Life describes the astonishing power and importance of trees, as we prepare to partner with BTfL around our upcoming T R E E concert. Read more
In advance of the world premeire of Christian Mason's The Singing Tree for Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, the composer curated a playlist of music related to the commission. Read more