20 years of Learning - Family Concerts As part of the #20for20 campaign, today we want to celebrate 20 years of Learning at BCMG by sharing the best shots from our family concerts over the years. Presenting concerts to young and family audiences has been an important part of our work. Most of the music we perform is unfamiliar to this audience, and as a result, we have the pleasure of introducing individuals to a range of renowned composers and musical styles for the first time. To help explain the music and engage our audiences, we combine brilliantly played music with dialogue and audience participation, and over the years we have experimented with different formats, including film, theatre, and other visual elements. This slide show highlights some of the wonderful moments from our family concerts over the last 20 years. You can help us continue our work for the next 20 years and more by donating £20 today. GIVE £20 FOR 20 Manage Cookie Preferences