Murmurs Music dissolving borders, and the world premiere of BCMG Apprentice Composer-in-Residence Donghoon Shin's Sheng Concerto Online booking has now closed, but tickets will be available on the door (subject to availability) 中文阅读 中文閱讀 Download the concert programme (PDF) Thursday 21 March 2019CBSO Centre, Birmingham 6.30pm Pre-concert talk with Rebecca Saunders and Donghoon Shin 7.30pm Concert 当国与国的距离变得越来越紧密,人与人之间的生活便变得更不可分隔。文化边界逐渐融为一体。这不但扩阔了我们对世界的认知,更加深我们对自己社会的认识。作曲家在谱曲时融合不同的传统乐器,以表达现代音乐无疆界的概念。因此,我们邀请了世界顶尖笙演奏家吴巍先生加入我们。吴巍先生将为BCMG驻团韩裔实习作曲家Donghoon Shin特别委托创作的「笙协奏曲」作全球首演。 首演当晚作曲家利碧嘉・桑德斯(Rebecca Saunders)以詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)的《尤利西斯》(Ulysses) 莫莉·布利姆的独白(Molly Bloom's Monologue) 为音乐会作开场。这段乐曲以无间断演奏著名,恰似在意识流中融合了思想与现实之间的界限,成为了反映现代生活的一个文化标志。 最后,我们以利碧嘉在二零零九年创作的令人回味的作品「低语」(MurMurs)来结束这场音乐会。 當國與國的距離變得越來越緊密,人與人之間的生活便變得更不可分隔。文化邊界逐漸融為一體。這不但擴闊了我們對世界的認知,更加深我們對自己社會的認識。作曲家在譜曲時融合不同的傳統樂器,以表達現代音樂無疆界的概念。因此,我們邀請了世界頂尖笙演奏家吳巍先生加入我們。吳巍先生將為BCMG駐團韓裔實習作曲家Donghoon Shin特別委托創作的「笙協奏曲」作全球首演。 首演當晚作曲家利碧嘉・桑德斯 (Rebecca Saunders)以詹姆斯·喬伊斯(James Joyce)的《尤利西斯》(Ulysses) 莫莉·布利姆的獨白(Molly Bloom’s Monologue) 為音樂會作開場 。這段樂曲以無間斷演奏著名,恰似在意識流中融合了思想與現實之間的界限,成為了反映現代生活的一個文化標志。 最後,我們以利碧嘉在二零零九年創作的令人回味的作品「低語」(MurMurs)來結束這場音樂會。 As the world grows closer together, our lives become ever more entwined. Borders between different cultures blur, broadening our understanding of the world - and the society we live in. Incorporating a musical instrument from a different musical tradition is just one way composers have reacted to our increasingly borderfree world - and so we invite Wu Wei, one of the world’s best players of the Chinese instrument, the Sheng, to join us. He will perform the world premiere of a specially-commissioned Sheng Concerto by Korean-born BCMG Apprentice Composer in Residence, Donghoon Shin. The concert opens with Rebecca Saunders’s CRIMSON-Molly's Song, inspired by Molly Bloom’s monologue from James Joyce’s Ulysses which triumphantly finished the work without stop or pause, and has become a cultural hallmark mirroring modern life: dissolving the borders between thought and reality in a stream of consciousness. Rebecca Saunders has spent her career in search of a true musical equivalent of experience, and we close the concert with her evocative 2009 work, Murmurs. Read about the Sheng and Wu Wei on our blog >> Wu Wei ShengJulien Leroy Conductor Rebecca Saunders (b. 1967) CRIMSON - Molly’s Song 1 (1995), 24′Donghoon Shin (b. 1983) Anecdote (2019)WP BCMG , 15′Jia Guoping (b.1963) The Wind Sound in the Sky (2002), 11′Rebecca Saunders murmurs (2009), 28′ BCMG BCMG Commission WP World Premiere Donghoon Shin's residence with BCMG as Apprentice Composer in Residence is part of the Embedded programme from Sound and Music, the national charity for new music, in collaboration with Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. Translation: Isabelle Xia and Jenny Kwock Access CBSO Centre is an accessible venue - you can find access information for CBSO Centre from the CBSO website by clicking here. If you have any queries about access, please contact Seb Huckle at BCMG on 0121 616 2619 or [email protected]. Tickets Standard £15Student: £5Accompanied under-18s FreePension credit/Universal Credit: 10% discount on the door (subject to availability). Booking for this event has now closed. Manage Cookie Preferences