
Alexandra Wood graduated with a starred double first from Selwyn College, Cambridge, before going on to the Royal College of Music, where she was President Emerita Scholar and studied with Itzhak Rashkovsky. She became a Junior Fellow. She has won major prizes at the Wieniawski, Tibor Varga, Lipizer and Yampolsky international violin competitions.

As a concerto soloist she has performed with the City of London Sinfonia, Philharmonia orchestra, Britten Sinfonia, BBC Philharmonic and BCMG and has given the premieres of concertos written specially for her by Hugh Wood (2009) and Charlotte Bray (2010).Leader and creative director of City of London Sinfonia and leader of Aurora orchestra she regularly guest-leads other ensembles, including the RPO, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BCMG,  London Sinfonietta and London Mozart players and has collaborated with chamber groups such as The Schubert Ensemble, Endymion and Callino Quartet.

Her discography includes Chimera – a disc of contemporary works with pianist Huw Watkins – as well as solo works by Oliver Knussen and Charlotte Bray for NMC.

She plays a violin made by Nicolò Gagliano in 1767, purchased with assistance from the Countess of Munster Trust, Abbado Young Musicians’ Trust and Loan Fund for Musical Instruments.

Meet the Artist preview

What do you find challenging and exciting about working on a newly-commissioned piece?

Working on a newly commissioned piece is exciting. Sometimes it is very obvious what a composer wants, other times less so, but the process of working with them to bring their ‘creation’ to life is fluid, interesting and extremely rewarding.

What or who have been the most influences in your musical career?

Oliver Knussen has probably had the most impact on me. An amazing musician, fabulous composer and just the most brilliant conductor! I learnt so much from him, and feel lucky to have worked with him at BCMG.

What is your favourite BCMG memory to date?

My favorite BCMG memory is playing with them at Carnegie Hall.

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