Friday 24th March, 19:00

Coventry Cathedral



BCMG NEXT are returning to the beautiful Coventry Cathedral for a performance of work by Tristan Murail, Anton Webern, Christian Mason, and Nicolas Tzortzis. Come and experience music that addresses the metaphysical and spiritual in a space made for it!


Christian MasonHeaven's Chimes are Slow 

Tristan Murail

The Bronze Age

Treize Couleurs du Soleil Couchant

Nicolas TzortzisWhat the Wave Meant

Anton WebernOp. 11



Birmingham Contemporary Music Group and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire join forces yearly to offer a unique training programme for music students and professional musicians looking for a career as performers of contemporary music. As part of this, our talented early career musicians perform throughout the year along with our BCMG Musicians, come and support the next generation of musicians.

Read more about BCMG NEXT at



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