Michael Wolters - Neighbours for a Night

Neighbours for a Night

Opening Arabesque
Bach Duet for Bassoon and Bass Drum
Accordian solo Pharaonic Music
Chess Tango
Quick Step Song (and Postlude)
String trio Film

What’s your favourite piece of music? Do you have a particular skill? What is your favourite dance? If you could live in an era and a place of your choice for a day, which era and place would it be and why? What is your favourite pastime? How would you describe the person that you are most fond of? What’s your favourite piece of literature? How do you listen to music?

These are questions that I asked all the people who had decided to ‘sound invest’ in this piece. Tonight’s performance is entirely built around their answers and some of these people are also present on stage tonight.

How do you watch music?

With special thanks to: Oliver Clark (director of film), Alexandra Taylor, Marcus Droß and Beachside Holiday Park, Titan Film & Hire, CBSO Centre staff, all Sound Investors taking part in this piece and Peter & Majorie Bradley (dancers).

Michael Wolters

A lengthy piece of music-theatre … pulsing with life and incident, multi-textured in its employment of several artistic disciplines at once.
Birmingham Post

Neighbours for a Night stood all the norms of “new music” on their head.
The Daily Telegraph

First performed by BCMG conducted by Franck Ollu on 12 December 2004 at CBSO Centre, Birmingham.