Orchestration: fl/afl, ob/cor, cl/bcl, hrn, tpt, tbn, vln, vla, vlc, db + objects
Duration: 10 minutes

Cecilia Arditto Composer

Wilde Lieder Marx.Music Prizewinner in the Ensemble Category

Performances The dearest dream will be performed in Trier on Saturday 1 September, and in Birmingham on Tuesday 4 September.

Programme Note

The dearest dream is a piece based mainly on one note: it was composed using the spectrum of the note F-1, starting with A 440 (20th overtone) which progressively opens to the complete overtone series.

The sound changes during the piece from “sine wave” at the beginning to noise at the end, making changes in colour but always respecting the overtone hierarchy.  The rhythms used in the piece are mainly repeated notes, just slight fluctuations of the fixed sounds: in other words, they are variations over the same. The whole ensemble playing basically only one note and its overtones, represents the tradition that perpetuates itself (status quo), leading to movement but without real changes. The dialogue with the “outside objects” breaks the fixed order bringing an unorthodox musical dialogue. The percussion presents different objects that give soul to the rest of the music. He is a soloist, or better said, an anti-soloist. Some members of the academic ensemble also play some objects apart from their instruments, to show some sympathy to the percussionist.

Programme note copyright Cecilia Arditto 2018 and may not be reproduced without permission