This is the wind was written in 2017 and 2018 for the Fidelio Trio, to whom it is dedicated. Each movement imagines a different sort of wind. ‘Shamal’ is a hot, dusty north-westerly wind that blows across Iran (originally this movement was to be premiered in Teheran) in June and July. In the second movement the music of Debussy’s prelude ‘Le vent dans la plaine’ is subjected to interference as if it were a corrupted digital file. Mouth is based on a Welsh folk-song and R.S. Thomas's poem 'Depopulation of the Hills': 'the hole under the door was a mouth through which the rough wind spoke.’ The last movement remembers that it was the wind blowing across Idaho and through the telegraph wires that first inspired LaMonte Young’s drone-based music.

This is the wind was premiered by the Fidelio Trio (Darragh Morgan, violin; Adi Tal, cello; Mary Dullea, piano) on 8th December 2018 in the Church of St John on Bethnal Green, London as part of the Spitalfields Music Festival.

  1. Shamal (4’50”)
  2. Interference (… Le vent dans la plaine) (3′)
  3. Mouth (‘the hole under the door was a mouth through which the rough wind spoke’; from R.S. Thomas’s poem ‘Depopulation of the Hills’) (3’10”)
  4. Idaho (4’30”)